Nearly 25 years ago, I began following a gluten-free diet as a result of a medical diagnosis. Back then, it was almost impossible to find gluten-free products in the local stores where I shopped. The thing I missed the most was bread. I tried making my own, but it was time consuming and the results weren’t great. I am grateful to the many companies in the years since, who now provide gluten-free products. They have changed my life for the better! This website is a way to say thank you to all the companies with gluten-free products and a place to rate, review, and discuss our favorite gluten-free foods.
Some stores have many gluten-free products to choose from, others carry just a few. Some stores have a gluten-free section in a grocery aisle, others sprinkle gluten-free products throughout the store, but the good news is, they’re out there! If you’re on a gluten-free diet, and craving something that you miss, you’ll be glad to learn that more and more companies are providing gluten-free foods, and this is where you can find reviews and information and provide your own feedback about gluten-free products.