Nature’s Bakery Blueberry Fig Bar

I never imagined that the unique baked outside of a fig newton bar, could be duplicated as a gluten-free snack, and so I was surprised to find these fig bars at my local Walmart. Even though my mother loved fig newtons and there were frequently fig newtons near the cookie jar, I’ve never been a fan of the fig fruit, or the centers of fig newtons, so I resisted purchasing these gluten free newtons when they first arrived, but the blueberry version caught my eye and with that, I thought I ought to give it a try.

I discovered the baked outside to be remarkably close to how I remember the outside of the fig newton bars from my childhood and the blueberry center did not disappoint. When you open the box, you find that there are 2 cookies inside each of the wrapped pouches.  I frequently carry a pouch of these in my lunch box at work for those times when I need a quick snack that is also filling.

What about you? Have you tried them? Please share you thoughts in the comments below.


5 based on 1 reviews

1 thought on “Nature’s Bakery Blueberry Fig Bar”

  1. I love these fig bars! These are my current go-to as a young professional. I’ll take two of these bad boys with me to work. Depending on my mood, I’ll have them as part of my breakfast, a mid-day snack, or during my lunch. They’re transportable, durable, stable, delicious, and filling. They just get the job done with a pleasant attitude. My favorites are the blueberry ones. Definitely recommend!

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